Marty Mozille (#2620)

Martin Mozille is a 35 plus year member of ALPCA having joined in 1978. Now a youthful 87 and retired he remains a presence in our ranks. He began collecting when he picked one up as a souvenir at a Navy base and he hasn't stopped since.

Marty ran for Director in 1986 and served as club Vice President in 1987-1988. He is a co-founder and Charter member of the Long Island region. He co-hosted many Long Island meets before retiring to Virginia in the 1990's. He and his late wife Jeanie were fixtures for many years at meets and the Hershey car show. He would always be on the Chocolate field just down the way from the ALPCA tent. Those very few of you who have not been to Hershey have missed the greatest outdoor plate meet ever held and it has continued for sixty years.

Marty was in charge of community services for the Town of Hempstead New York. He is responsible for the many T.O.H. plates that abound in numerous collections. He was a member of the Nassau County Republicans Committee and very active in community affairs. A mentor and protector are words used by many in describing their relationship with Marty. The respect he is held in is unmatched in our hobby.

As a collector he specialized in state police plates, antique tags and foreign plates. His state police collection was considered one of the most formidable ever assembled. He also collected miniature toy garbage trucks and garbage related plates. When Marty took a liking to you it was common to find an official street sign made up in Hempstead with the name of one of your children. This type of fraternity is what makes ALPCA the special organization it is.

Members like Marty Mozille are our best ambassadors and their actions and sharing built ALPCA. He practiced fraternity with all he encountered and to call him friend as well as colleague is an honor to be cherished. Marty Mozille welcome to the ALPCA Hall of Fame.